Sunday, May 3, 2009

Jesus Appears In The Midst

We continued our series of the post-resurrection appearances of Jesus to his disciples today. We went up into one of the Children's rooms (the darkest one) and closed the door with the light off. We read from John 20:19-29 and discussed what this narrative says about Jesus. The disciples were locked in a room and found Jesus appearing in their midst. Later Thomas, who was not with them, said he wouldn't believe unless he could see and feel the scars on the Body of Christ. Our kids were quick to point out that we are the "blessed" ones that Jesus talked about not seeing his physical form and yet believing in him.
We also talked about how Jesus was already among the disciples when they gathered just as he promised to be among any two or three who gathered in his name. Other points included the fact that Jesus said as he was sent so he also sends us. We are to go out and spread the good new that Jesus is Messiah, the savior of the world. Asking who Jesus would save, the children were reminded that Jesus said, behold I stand at the door and knock and if any man heard his voice and opened he would come in...Jesus comes to those who open and receive him!
So much is packed into these two passages of scripture that we need to hear today in the church world. How hard is it to remember the excitement of those who newly find Christ is alive and ready to forgive them and be their savior? The disciples were frightened and hiding and soon were to become a force in the power of the Holy Spirit that would change the world. This little group of believers would soon change history forever! How many times in our traditional churches do we see excited new believers come wide-eyed into fellowship of the Body of Christ only to soon succumb to the apathy and drudgery of the week to week religious observances of the rest of the 'congregation'. One of the things I look forward to in the house church is seeing the energy and passion of these new believers become a fuel to inflame the passion of the church. For in a house church they are immediately placed into the full participation of all aspects of fellowship and worship. They don't need to sit in a pew until they rot into leadership material. God is doing something new in our country through simple churches...something the western church desperately needs. Jesus is showing himself once again in our midst...we are just now learning to truly look for him!

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