Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Great Commission Is Not Rocket Science!

Today we read Matthew 28 and talked about the Great Commission. The three instructions to the disciples were to 1) Go and make disciples, 2) baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and 3) teach them all the things that Christ has commanded us. We asked the question, "How would you go about making a disciple?" The kids pondered that question with that clueless look on their faces. We then followed up with the question, "What scriptures do you know that might help?" This question rang a few bells and my son quoted John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life". With a little direction they understood that this verse tells anyone who is not a Christian that God loved them enough to send His Son to die for our sins and that simply believing in Him will save one from their sins. We talked about how we can rely on the power of Scripture and the Holy Spirit's work for converting the unbeliever. Our only job is to be ready to answer for our faith using the scriptures we know. We pointed out that it doesn't take a special "sinner's prayer" or church service or even a professional clergyman to lead someone to faith in Christ. Jesus said that we couldn't enter into heaven without the faith of a little child. The process of believing on Christ and entering into faith is simple.

We then asked, "Well, what does it mean to make disciples and teach?". We talked about the commandments and how even they were simplified into loving God with all our strength and loving our neighbor as ourselves. The discussion turned towards what we were doing in our house church, simplifying the process of making disciples so that anyone can do it just like the Bible teaches. In the act of gathering together around the table for the communion meal, conversing about God and what it means to be a Christian, studying scripture and praying for and with each other, we are in the disciple making process! Like the Old Testament says, we talk of God when we sit, stand and walk in the way.

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